Wendy mulford

Wendy Mulford used to run Street Editions in the 1970s-90s. Most of her own small press poems are collected in etruscan books' 2002 edition, and suddenly, supposing : Selected Poems. Since then she has trained in Jungian analysis, performed in a number of art venues & festivals, in London, Brighton, Cork, Hay-on-Wye,Bristol, & collaborated with Michael Parsons in Cork and with the Vocal Constructivists & Michael Parsons in East London. Her last collection was THE LAND BETWEEN, Reality Street, 2009. She is based in Suffolk and Orkney. Forthcoming: STONES, which will appear first in RELIQUAE, ed.s Richard Skelton & Autumn Richardson in November, then as a small press edition next year. She set up PAPAY RETREAT on Papa Westray, the Orkney Northern Isle where she shares a cottage, Shorehouse, with the composer Gordon Crosse. It is intended for solitary writers/artists/ musicians of any kind.