Coming soon: new datableed forms

Introducing a new online monthly poetry showcase: submissions are now CLOSED.
Each month, DATABLEED will present the work of one poet, showcasing either a single creative project in its entirety or a small range of work. All formats are welcome and encouraged: text, image, text and image, sound, video, etc.
We are particularly interested in experimental work from new and/or underrepresented writers as well as established poets.
Please submit 8-15 poems or an equivalent longer poem or multimedia pieces. Send your submissions in the following formats: PDF, word doc, jpeg or MP3 or MP4 to datableedzine [at]
Please include the email subject ‘DATABLEED Malware’ and include a 50-word bio and a short description or blurb for your submission in the body of your email.
Submissions for DATABLEED [M A L W A R E] are now closed and will reopen in 2025 as necessary. Watch this space or follow us on Instagram @data_bleed for updates.
Introducing a new pamphlet series, where DATABLEED meets the physical world.
Submission windows for publication in 2025 will be open from 1 December 2024 to 31 January 2025. Please do not send
[M E A T S P A C E] submissions outside of publicized submission windows as they will not be read.
Please submit poetry manuscripts of up to 50 A4-formatted pages as a Word or PDF document to datableedzine [at] with the email subject ‘DATABLEED Meatspace’. Please include a 50-word bio note in your email.
We may take up to six weeks after the closing date to respond. Please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
We are particularly interested in experimental work.
Pamphlets will be printed in an A4 stapled limited edition run and will have a handmade, DIY zine aesthetic.
Editorial policy
We do not provide feedback for submissions.
Editorial decisions are final. We do not enter into discussions or negotiations about editorial choices.
Contributors to both [M A L W A R E] and [M E A T S P A C E] may be invited to participate in additional DATABLEED activities to help publicize their work.
No tedious meat. No neoliberal capitalism. No homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, or ableism. DATABLEED stands against genocide.
Please be aware: DATABLEED is not a profit-making organization or a state-funded publisher. It is not directly associated with any institution or university and the editors are not paid for putting DATABLEED and its projects together. While DATABLEED will publicize the pamphlets across all social channels, we do not offer writer contracts or payment as we are not a profit-making business; any money raised by selling pamphlets will go towards printing costs.