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hiromi suzuki
Of an orange grove, the bees visited the flowers

At midnight, a bee hit the window of shed and died

An eyelid stung by a bee, only the pain tastes honey

The murmur of traffic filtered from the honeycomb

A buzz in a small town will be torpor by the mead

hiromi suzuki is an illustrator, poet, artist living in Tokyo, Japan. A contributor to the Japanese poetry magazine "gui" (run by members of the Japanese "VOU" group of poets, founded by the late Kitasono Katue). Author of Ms. cried, 77 poems by hiromi suzuki (kisaragi publishing, 2013 ISBN978-4-901850-42-1). Her works are published internationally in Otoliths, BlazeVOX, Empty Mirror, M58, and 2015 amongst other places. Her web site:
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